If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration
Frequency Plotter
Negative Power Factor
The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats (John Moray)
Drake's Cyclopedia
Textbooks on the subjects of electricity and electronics by Tony R. Kuphaldt
Falstad Simulator
Measurement of Electrical Power in Three-Phase Systems
4 Quadrant Power Flow and negative active power.
Radiation Chart - Radiation Chart BIG
ZPE research lab
zero transformer technology by Nikola Tesla source: Vladimir Utkin
Electromagnetic Radiation 1961 PSSC George Wolga
Sound and Audio Calculations
LC Oscillators
Richard Feynman / FUN TO IMAGINE
Resonance Calculator
Frequency Suite
PHYSICS History: Aristotle said a bunch of stuff that was wrong. Galileo and Newton fixed things up. Then Einstein broke everything again. Now we've basically got it all worked out, except for small stuff, big stuff, hot stuff, cold stuff, fast stuff, heavy stuff, dark stuff, turbulence, and the concept of time.